Thursday, May 1, 2008

Identity Theft and Mail

D & 39; Identity Theft is not limited to just digital media contrary to what you read in the May & 39; news today & 39; hui. While there are many violations of the University & 39; computers or networks of retailers or loss / theft of laptops, which are reported every time, but the & 39; d & 39; identity theft can be produce at home. Do you & 39; that it takes to make sure that it & 39; n & 39; is not the case for you?
Think on all the mail that you receive at home. That does it include bank statements, utility bills such as gas and electricity & 39;, and how bills on & 39; water? Do you have to pay homeowners association fees d & 39;? Qu & 39; is that all the innumerable bills credit card or signing deals that you receive? DMV will send mail to & 39; home address. The government also sends tax refunds to & 39; home address as well. Do you receive checks for Social Security? Do you get car bills sent to you by mail? School loans or student loans, bank loans, refinance your house, all this information is sent to your address, and it goes on infinitum.
Now announcement, just watch someone & 39; one in your mailbox and take your mail or rummage through your garbage after you threw out everything, and there are all your personal information, free for the taking. This form of identity theft d & 39;, known as diving garbage can be avoided by using a few simple tips.
If possible, get a mailbox that can be locked. L & 39; alternative to obtain a mailbox locked is to establish a post box at your local post office. It May take a little more time in your day to get your mail, but your personal information will be more secure and look behind the key. You May also want to invest in a cross shredder. Anything you throw unwise documents, should be exploited through the shredder which will make it more difficult for divers to collect the dump & 39; one of your personal information. May they see all the shredded paper and just move to the next house, usually because nobody wants to really take the time to bring all the shredded paper on & 39; hope to have d & 39; staff information.
Try and reduce the number of messages you receive. Maybe some of the companies bill that you offer online billing and statements. By signing up for these services, you can also reduce the amount of personal information that is dumped in the trash. You can reduce the amount of junk mail offerings such as credit card or refinancing your home by visiting the following site to refuse to receive offers of this nature:
Direct Marketing Association Mail Preference Service PO Box 9008 Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008
By reduce the amount of personal information by leaving your possession, you improve your chances of not becoming a victim of identity theft d & 39;. Founder of, the site was created to d & 39; help people not only to recover the flight & 39; identity, but also to prevent the theft & 39; d & 39; identity, their reach.

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